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"Hosank" is not only the only Tseghakron political movement in Armenia, but also an Order...
"Hosank" is not only the only Tseghakron political movement in Armenia, but also an Order that seeks to initiate a new revolution of national consciousness and to ideologically discipline the youth as new Aryan Knights, laying the foundation for future holy Armenian crusades that will establish just
In Armenia, there are people who believe that if someone frequently speaks about Jewish conspiracies, it is intentionally "Kremlin propaganda"...
In Armenia, there are people who believe that if someone frequently speaks about Jewish conspiracies, it is intentionally "Kremlin propaganda" aimed at diverting attention from Russia's negative influence on our statehood. Those who make such claims likely have not deeply studied the cunning actions
People often quote Nzhdeh, but almost never these kinds of ideological passages, which is strange....
People often quote Nzhdeh, but almost never these kinds of ideological passages, which is strange because these writings give us a clear understanding of the political stance of our Commander during those critical years when nationalism—represented by National Socialist Germany and its Axis powers—w
In the political field, there are many miserable scoundrels who will think our movement "discredits the memory of Nzhdeh" and that we are not "true Nzhdehists".....
In the political field, there are many miserable scoundrels who will think our movement "discredits the memory of Nzhdeh" and that we are not "true Nzhdehist". These narrow-minded individuals, along with all our foreign enemies, have tried to condemn us with such accusations, attempting to portray
When Armenian nationalists begin to speak against Kremlin policies...
When Armenian nationalists begin to speak against Kremlin policies, they are almost always labeled by many, especially our pro-Russian compatriots, as “Western agents” or something similar. Of course, there are so-called agents of Western influence who purely protect “Western” interests, ignoring ou
Those who think that the so-called "peace agreement" will bring peace and keep Syunik safe are only deceiving themselves or are ignorant...
Those who think that the so-called "peace agreement" will bring peace and keep Syunik safe are only deceiving themselves or are ignorant. We know very well that there will be a critical fight for Syunik in the near future, and only by following the example of Nzhdeh's determined blazing spirit, can
I did not understand the title and meaning of this book by Nzhdeh....
I did not understand the title and meaning of this book by Nzhdeh until I came to Armenia and interacted with people of the Soviet generation in the political field. Now I understand very well what our Commander prophet meant... (The book is titled "The sons fight against their fathers")
We lost the 44-day conspiratorial war and this republic failed, because our new independence was built on completely wrong foundations. Instead of being the successor of the First Republic...
We lost the 44-day conspiratorial war and this republic failed, because our new independence was built on completely wrong foundations. Instead of being the successor of the First Republic, we declared the so-called "Third Republic", which is nonsense, because the third cannot exist without the seco
Նժդեհի ստեղծած այս երդումը առաջին անգամ տվեցի Կալիֆորնիայում գտնվող «Հայ արիական բռունցք» կազմակերպության (այլևս չի գործում) գրասենյակում 2005թ-ին...
Նժդեհի ստեղծած այս երդումը առաջին անգամ տվեցի Կալիֆորնիայում գտնվող «Հայ արիական բռունցք» կազմակերպության (այլևս չի գործում) գրասենյակում 2005թ-ին, երբ 16 տարեկան էի, և այս երկար ու խառը տարիների ընթացքում փորձել եմ հնարավորինս հավատարիմ մնալ իմ երդմանը և չդրժեմ իմ ուխտը։ Ես միշտ իսկական քրիստոնեութ
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary movements...
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary movements.
Our first online discussion for our movement at the Eagles Nest....
Our first online discussion for our movement at the Eagles Nest.
The man died, but not his idea...
Nzhdeh showed us the way, passed us the torch with which we must illuminate our Armenian highlands which is now in darkness. We were given a great ideology, and our goal is to give that ideology international recognition. Our mission is to turn that ideology into a global movement. One Nation, One
I think we have all noticed how much the currencies of different countries are depreciating and how the international economy is getting worse and worse...
I think we have all noticed how much the currencies of different countries are depreciating and how the international economy is getting worse and worse. Day by day rising prices, rising unemployment and poverty even in "civilized" countries proves that this vile Judaic system based on the principle
Don't be a spectator and don't delay while we still have a chance to fight back....
Don't be a spectator and don't delay while we still have a chance to fight back, because without consistent and persistent action we will lose that chance in the future... Join the only nationalist political movement in Armenia: "Build a glorious future for you and your
The most important thing in politics is loyalty to a noble idea
The most important thing in politics is loyalty to a noble idea, the idea that will guarantee the existence and prosperity of our nation, fatherland and our statehood, because from that loyalty comes integrity, from integrity comes courage, from courage comes respect, from respect comes strength, fr
Իսկական հայ-արի ազգայնականը ու ջհուդների կողմից ուղեղը լվացած, ազգային մորթի կրող, բայց էությամբ նեոբոլշևիկ տգետ ու կեղծ հայրենասերը....
Իսկական հայ-արի ազգայնականը ու ջհուդների կողմից ուղեղը լվացած, ազգային մորթի կրող, բայց էությամբ նեոբոլշևիկ տգետ ու կեղծ հայրենասերը։
Երբ ասվում է, որ «Հոսանք»-ը Հայաստանի միակ ազգային ու ցեղակրոն քաղաքական շարժումն է, երբեմն լինում են իրենց «նժդեհական» համարող տգետներ...
Երբ ասվում է, որ «Հոսանք»-ը Հայաստանի միակ ազգային ու ցեղակրոն քաղաքական շարժումն է, երբեմն լինում են իրենց «նժդեհական» համարող տգետներ, ովքեր ասում են՝«ապե Նժդեհը կապ չունի հակասեմականության հետ, Նժդեհը հրեաների դեմ բան չի ունեցել ապե»։ Լավ կլինի նրանք պատմություն ուսումնասիրեն և կարդան Հայկ Ասատրյ
Powerful army, impregnable borders, steadfast Fatherland!
Powerful army, impregnable borders, steadfast Fatherland! This should be the new battle cry of the Armenian nation on the brink of war.
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