06:12:00 11.01.2025
I know that I have likely left the impression on many as someone with "extremist" ideas, and that there is excessive aggression within me. However, I believe this is entirely a misunderstanding. Yes, I hold a variety of deeply rooted national ideas, and yes, after November 9, 2020, a great deal of justified hatred has accumulated within me toward all our enemies and those who collaborate with them—this I will not deny. But I am by no means an "extremist," as certain forces attempt to label me. The truth is that I am a sober-minded and reasonable man living in extreme times.
To me, extremism is the fact that, in just 44 days, we treacherously lost Artsakh, which had been liberated with the blood of our freedom fighters. Extremism is the tyrant of Baku brazenly speaking of erasing Armenia from the map and turning it into so-called "Western Azerbaijan."
Yes, perhaps there have been moments of anger, like during our first rally last year on January 1, but even then, my statements were far more measured than those of many other political figures. Seeing what is happening to our Fatherland and its independence, which devoted patriot could remain calm in such circumstances? Who would not be filled with rage against our enemies, who want to take away everything we hold dear?
Many cannot bear the current situation and live like ostriches, burying their heads in the sand. But I have decided to channel all this accumulated energy into constructive purposes, as wasting such energy would simply be a shame. Therefore, I want to emphasize once again that our movement is by no means "extremist." Rather, it seeks to establish reason and order—a Current ("Hosank") in these extreme and chaotic times.
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