
Old picture, where the Armenians living in Syria took a picture with Bashar al-Assad...
Old picture, where the Armenians living in Syria took a picture with Bashar al-Assad...

Old picture, where the Armenians living in Syria took a picture with Bashar al-Assad, and one of them has a shirt with Hitler on the front. It is a pity that Syria lost a leader like him...

03:30:00 11.12-2024

In Armenia, there are people who believe that if someone frequently speaks about Jewish conspiracies, it is intentionally "Kremlin propaganda"...
In Armenia, there are people who believe that if someone frequently speaks about Jewish conspiracies, it is intentionally "Kremlin propaganda"...

In Armenia, there are people who believe that if someone frequently speaks about Jewish conspiracies, it is intentionally "Kremlin propaganda" aimed at diverting attention from Russia's negative influence on our statehood. Those who make such claims likely have not deeply studied the cunning...

09:30:00 10.12-2024

Guard duty at the border is like the beating of the heart...
Guard duty at the border is like the beating of the heart...

Guard duty at the border is like the beating of the heart; if it ceases, our entire state will collapse, just as a person will die if his heart stops beating.

07:50:00 10.12-2024

People often quote Nzhdeh, but almost never these kinds of ideological passages...
People often quote Nzhdeh, but almost never these kinds of ideological passages...

People often quote Nzhdeh, but almost never these kinds of ideological passages, which is strange because these writings give us a clear understanding of the political stance of our Commander during those critical years when nationalism—represented by National Socialist Germany and its Axis...

11:10:00 09.12-2024

In 1996, local tour operator Jose Luis Delgado Mamani discovered Aramu...
In 1996, local tour operator Jose Luis Delgado Mamani discovered Aramu...

In 1996, local tour operator Jose Luis Delgado Mamani discovered Aramu ("Aram" is an ancient Armenian name) Muru, also known as the Puerta de Hayu ("Hay" is what Armenians call themselves) Marca, an ancient structure cut into Hayu Marca Mountain near Lake Titicaca in Peru. This intriguing...

09:00:00 09.12-2024

For ten years, through their consistent deceitful actions, the Zionist Jews finally achieved their goal in Syria by overthrowing Assad...
For ten years, through their consistent deceitful actions, the Zionist Jews finally achieved their goal in Syria by overthrowing Assad...

For ten years, through their consistent deceitful actions, the Zionist Jews finally achieved their goal in Syria by overthrowing Assad. The Jews were able to accomplish this due to the direct intervention of the Turks, the false friendship of the Russians, and the silent consent and support of...

03:20:00 08.12-2024

Even if the President of America or that of any other superpower becomes the most pro-Armenian person...
Even if the President of America or that of any other superpower becomes the most pro-Armenian person...

Even if the President of America or that of any other superpower becomes the most pro-Armenian person, without waging an unwavering struggle, we will achieve no results and will again witness with our own eyes how all of Armenia meets the same fate of Artsakh, starting with Syunik. The only...

01:40:00 08.12-2024

Why do communists/Marxists almost always participate in protests alongside LGBT supporters and support each other...
Why do communists/Marxists almost always participate in protests alongside LGBT supporters and support each other...

Why do communists/Marxists almost always participate in protests alongside LGBT supporters and support each other? Because the Jewish creation of Marxism, inherently advocated not only for class equality but also for racial equality, and more indirectly, for sexual equality. In this sense...

01:30:00 07.12-2024

Many are probably curious about our movement's opinion or stance on what's happening in Georgia and whether we support the protesters there...
Many are probably curious about our movement's opinion or stance on what's happening in Georgia and whether we support the protesters there...

Many are probably curious about our movement's opinion or stance on what's happening in Georgia and whether we support the protesters there. I'll try to put it succinctly: we welcome any struggle against Russian influence and Russian imperialist ambitions. However, we cannot support any movement...

05:30:00 06.12-2024

A nation that does not revere its past heroes is unworthy of an independent fatherland, for such a fatherland always rises from the ashes of its martyrs...
A nation that does not revere its past heroes is unworthy of an independent fatherland, for such a fatherland always rises from the ashes of its martyrs...

"A nation that does not revere its past heroes is unworthy of an independent fatherland, for such a fatherland always rises from the ashes of its martyrs. Every nation is morally strong in proportion to its reverence for its past heroes. A nation that sins against its martyrs and immortals...

04:50:00 05.12-2024


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